
The Organization section of the left navigation pane lists all Organizations with registered users within EC3. Any Professional user type may create an Organization using the Create Organization button in the top-right corner of the list. After an EC3 review, the Organization is created and the Professional user who initiated the creation becomes the Organization’s first Administrator.

Organizations are defined by the presence of a unique web domain to avoid duplication in EC3. If a parent company controls multiple subsidiaries, user accounts should be established at the level of the parent company to allow editing access to those subsidiaries. Accounts established at the subsidiary organization level will not have access to the parent company organization.

The list of Organizations provides the following information:

  • Organizations registered within EC3

  • Organization information

    • Name (legal, alternative names)

    • Website

    • Physical address

    • Organization type (non-profit, private, etc.)

    • Logo

    • Parent Organization

    • Primary activities

    • Links

    • Primary sustainability contact

    • Preferences

    • Employees and their permissions, only visible to other employees

    • Plant name, location, and quantity of EPDs

    • Subsidiaries

    • Draft and published EPDs

Organization Primary Activities

EC3 lists the Primary Activities of each organization. These are used to check whether data entries like EPDs, plants, etc. are assigned to the correct organization.

  • EPD Operator: Organization is shown in the list of valid Program Operators for EPDs and PCRs

  • Manufacturer: Organization is shown in the list of valid Product EPD Owners, Plant Owners, and similar fields

  • 3P Verifier: Organization is shown in the list of valid Third-Party Verifiers

  • Other

  • Owner

  • Design / Engineering

  • Builder

  • Industry Association: Organization is shown in the list of valid Owners for an Industry EPD

  • Forest Practices Certification

  • Sustainability Consulting

  • Education: Indicates that some users of the web domain may be Students, rather than Employees. In the future, special protections and access rights may be provided for students and educators.

Managing Employees

Each Organization has an Administrator that is able to manage the Organization’s profile page, employee permissions, and plants linked to EPDs. Other employees with Manage permission within an Organization have the same permissions as the Administrator.

To edit employee’s permissions, click on the Edit Employees button on the Organization’s page and select the permission level for each employee using the dropdown selection. To remove an employee from your organization, select the “None” permission from the dropdown and save your changes.

Managing Plants

Organizations can control information about facilities and Plants within the Organization screen. To create a plant entry, click the Create Plant button and specify the plant name, address, and categories produced by the plant. EC3 uses a geocode identifier based on a plant’s latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps.

Plant Groups may also be created based on a collection of several plants and may be associated with a specific geography of production. Individual plants must be created first in order to be able to add them to a Plant Group.

List of EPDs

The List of EPDs section of the Organization page contains all EPDs registered under the Organization, as well as the Digital EPD Statistics button. Clicking this button will generate an email that is sent to the current user’s email address on file. The email will contain information about the number of valid digitized EPDs declared by the selected Organization, the number of product categories in which searched EPDs appear, and how often the EPDs were opened within the past 90 days. The same information is also available for any subsidiaries of the parent Organization.

Last updated