Project Planner

Life Cycle Modules

A1-A3: Production

All project data starts with a range based on all individual data points that fit users' search criteria (i.e., performance specifications). If you select a specific EPD, then that EPD becomes the source of A1-A3 data.

A4: Transport to Project

EC3 calculates the impact of transport from the manufacturing plant to the project site for each material. This result is then shown as A4 transportation impact. This calculation takes into account:

  1. product weight

  2. transportation mode(s)

  3. transportation distance(s)

Product weight is the mass per declared unit when available; otherwise EC3 calculates it from the default density for the product category. You can manually enter a more accurate product weight, for example to include packaging (if known).

Transportation mode defines the carbon footprint per ton of product transported over a km or mi distance, i.e., kgCO2e per t*km or ton*mi. Our list of transportation modes and the associated impact factors come from regional LCA datasets, such as USLCI in the United States [1].

Transportation distance can be custom calculated, but EC3 provides a default initial estimate.

If the user has selected a facility-specific product EPD, EC3 uses the straight-line distance from the manufacturing facility to the project site, plus a 40% routing factor to account for the actual road, rail, and waterway routes [2].

If no product EPD is selected yet, EC3 uses a default distance and mode for the general product category that was selected. These default values represent the typical distance based on national or regional data (e.g., U.S. Census Bureau’s Commodity Flow Survey in the United States [3]).

You can also enter specific info about multiple transportation modes and distances manually, where you have more complete information. We recommend Ecotransit as a resource.

To calculate the A4 transportation impact, we multiply:

For multiple legs, each leg is calculated as above and the results of all legs are summed:

As usual, EC3 handles the unit conversions.


[1] National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USLCI Database, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, CO, 2021.

[2] F.P. Boscoe, K.A. Henry, M.S. Zdeb, A nationwide comparison of driving distance versus straight-line distance to hospitals, Prof. Geogr. 64 (2012) 188–196.

[3] U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2017 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC, 2020. /content/dam/Census/library /publications/2017/econ /ec17tcf-us.pdf.

A5: Construction

Construction impacts are calculated from user-entered fuel and resource consumption estimates, multiplied by the life cycle GWP intensity of that resource. Life GWP intensity includes production, combustion, and direct emissions associated with the use of a unit of a resource during the construction process.

We source GWP intensities from the USLCI database or other literature.

B: Use

Coming soon

C: End-of-life

Coming soon

LEED Reporting

LEED Reports only include product categories that are specified in the LEED Pilot Credit. We try to align the LEED category list with EC3 categories and specifications as best as possible, but it can be challenging at times. If you notice something unexpected, let us know.

Last updated