Export / Synchronization Process

If you’re exporting a new Revit project, its data will be collected from the revit model, analyzed, converted to the EC3 Building Project format and uploaded to the server according to the selected scope. The newly created EC3 building project will receive a version number 1.

If you’re updating the existing EC3 building project, the plugin will collect all required data from the current Revit project, compare it to the selected EC3 building project and create a patch containing only the data that was changed on the Revit side (additional instances and materials, changed quantities, etc.) Then this patch will be applied to the existing EC3 building project.

  • Material refinements made on EC3 will be preserved and the corresponding element masses recalculated using the new densities. New building elements and materials which were added on EC3 will be retained as well as automatically added reinforcements. If the existing building element quantities or names were changed both in the EC3 and Revit projects, the Revit changes will be prioritized.

  • During an update, the Export Detail, Project Location and EC3 Project Name settings will be taken from the existing EC3 building project, so the user won’t be able to change them from the plugin. Floors and Height values will be also taken from EC3, as they were automatically calculated during the initial export and it’s highly likely the user would want to refine them.

  • During an update, the new supported Revit model categories selected in the Manage Scope > Manage Categories dialog will be added to the EC3 building project.

  • During an update, the supported Revit model categories unselected in the Manage Scope > Manage Categories dialog will be removed from the EC3 building project together with all their building elements.

  • During every synchronization the plugin will check if the Revit project was changed since the last export. If yes, the version number will be automatically incremented by 1. If not, it will stay the same.

  • After an update, the EC3 building project ID and URL will remain the same.

See more details in the Project update example section below.

The export progress and what exactly is currently happening will be shown in the special progress window.

You may cancel the process at any moment by either clicking the Cancel button or closing this window.

If error 503 (service not available) occurs during the export process, the plugin will attempt to automatically reconnect three times in 10, 20 and 60 seconds.

If all the reconnection attempts fail or other critical error occurs, the export process will stop and the error dialog will be displayed.

More detailed information could be retrieved from the error log created by the plugin.

Last updated