
  1. Added the export folder selection feature in Manage Scope dialog.

  2. The new way of handling Curtain Walls:

    • Now curtain Curtain Panels and Curtain Wall Mullions are grouped under two corresponding labels on the EC3.

    • The Revit elements (Curtain Walls, etc.) which include each of these curtain element types are listed in the corresponding building element’s notes.

    • This new grouping simplifies EC3 project structure and allows to avoid duplications.

  1. Added the support for material quantities measured in pieces.

  2. Open in EC3: fixed the issue when Open in EC3 window was reloading the project page spontaneously, losing unsaved user’s changes due to authentication refresh.

  3. Fixed the issue when material quantity units were not properly displayed in the EC3.

  4. Library Browser: fixed the Remove EC3 Data functionality.

  5. Fixed handling of the overlong family names, type names, material names and type marks during the export.

  6. Various other fixes & improvements.

Last updated